It is empty words, passing moments, quiet celebrations, people refusing to acknowledge the feeling of absence & jokes to release the tension
A collection of stories and insights from our writer, who visited Afghanistan with an Australian not-for-profit two years ago.
Social media platforms have created a connection between the concept of being, “empowered”, “sexy” and “liberated” with wearing less...
We're having an open discussion about how time poverty and the unfair division of labour robs women of their potential and agency.
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Self-development books offer a means of coping with the instability of the world by giving back an element of control to the individual.
Palwasha A. and Lamisa. H Did you know that Chadwick Boseman fought for Black Panther to have the African accent of Wakanda? The...
Palwasha A. and Lamisa H. “What if it’s not really what the audience wants-?” “Well...who gives a f*ck what they want?” -Gayle Kennedy...
This week we wrote about how sex intersects with internalised misogyny.
Mariam H. and Irisa R. Do you remember that time when the two top female rappers, Nicki Minaj and Cardi B, got into a physical fight in...
Our writers dissect our collective internalised misogyny in the crossover between sex work and capitalism.
Join our writer Palwasha as she explores the relationship between how our past traumas actually shape the fabric of our culture today.
A piece that traverses three generations of memory and experience while trying to unpack the role of nationalism.
In this piece we deconstruct the perception of female friendships in the media and we learn about the necessity of sisterhood.
We explore the power of language and unravel the assumed ubiquity of English as a form of social capital.
Faiza S. Tanha shodam tanha I'm left Alone, Alone Asooda az ghawgha shodam I'm left relieved of any chaos Az bas ke khordam khoon-e dil...
Announcing our first collaboration! Photographer Fatimah Hossaini takes us on a visual journey through central and south Asia.
What the Afghan Report Exposes About Our War Crimes
How the World Betrayed Afghanistan
The Normalisation of Rape Culture
We Don't Hate the British Monarchy Enough
When Facebook Unfriended Australia
A History Of The World, Through A Grain Of Rice